1.If selected from campus for summer projects carry a copy of the letter of offer and have xerox copies of the same, clarify the stipend before hand and take a wriiten statement of the same , check for the profile that you will be joining as.
2.If accomodation not provided try to find a PG near to office , for commuting is a big problem.
3.Try to be punctual to office on the first day and also the rest .
4.First few days are the toughest, for you will be treated like garbage , try to hang around and keep up a smiling face , sometimes companies might jus check your stress level , time will come to show ur mettle.
5.Try to have a time table , start early and finish strong.
6. Try to act in a friendly manner with everyone , if rebuked then also put up a smiling face , no back biting about anyone , try to observe people , how they are handling their work and clients , this is the best learning you can get , try to see the work culture and heirarchy.
7.Try to see sources which will lead to further contacts(PR relations).
8.Try to have some basic stuffs from the company , business cards of top notch executives (if any) , letter pads ( u can guess it) , references .
9.Try to utilise the library to the utmost if there is any(You get books which you cant find at ur campus as they are expensive , try to see paid up reports).
10.Finally nothin pays than good work , be focussed , think out of the box , if sensitive to your environment , prepare a short and precise report , try to give a ppt , have a detailed analysis of ur project , be ready to face criticism , remember skilful sailors are made from rough oceans.
1. Don act smart , for there are people more smarter than you.
2. Don expect that you will change the fortunes of the company in these 2 months.
3.Don expect anything.
4.Don be too emotional with ur ideas , and don share your life plans with anyone that may spoil ur party.
5.Don sulk , beggars are not choosers , if from iims then you can sulk positivily .
6.Don accept the PPO's immediately , think about it and check various alternatives.
7.Don seek love affairs during projects , certain people might utilise u (this happens ).
8.Don get sentimental with the company try to be a parasite , this is the time to suck in all knowledge .
9.Don delay ur project to the last minute if its a reasearch based project , try to come up with the data analysis part well in advance.
10.Don get impatient if u r not getting attention , The HR people are losing some prospecting good employees , be confident and give ur best report , don overdo with the report.
amazingly concise, to the point and highly insightful :)
coming from u ..its a bit of a surprise...y dont u enlighten us with the knowledge u gained during ur summer
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