Tuesday, July 1, 2008


When I never earned anything, I lived like a king …..Now when I am earning I am living like a pauper....some days back I realized this anomaly in my life. The day I got my salary, it was sense of fulfillment and relief …ya finally I have arrived ….but is it the beginning of a continuous process of getting redeemed for the work you have done on a monthly basis and also the ever increasing pressure to perform and hog the limelight.
I am the newest entry into the world of salaried profession….but why am I living in a penurious state, when I have all the bucks to spent, discos to throng at, and parties to throw at …..why is it that i look at all the luxury and I remember the faces of my parents, the times when I hassled and bullied them for a luxury which they silently complied with …why am I thinking of my progeny who has not yet entered life …why have I become so modest in my spending….well trying to figure out the answers of all this …this is what my salary has done to me. A growing conundrum of thoughts …..still perplexed …hope some day I justify my confusion…


AbbY said...

As like Always once again nice pice of writtin' .

well captrue the thought of all Neebee of corporates.

keep it up.

Unknown said...

"Confusion"... Writer has been bold enough to accept and write which most of us would fear writing to the world..."Its easier to spend others money...and very difficult to spend our own". Enjoyed reading it...written straight from the heart. Well done!

sd said...

wow dude u have summed up life in a this writing...its a continous process....u tortoured u parents...get ready toface mucic in a couple of years...its every generations passe`